Monday, January 17, 2011



My National Geographic just came in, and broke the news to me. Woah. 7 billion. Here is a paragraph and statistics that Nigel Holmes wrote in my NG:
"As the global population approaches the seven billion mark, we should all probably try to get to know one another a little better. What if somebody threw a party and invited every single person living on Earth? It would be a logistical nightmare, but you might be surprised at the relatively small size of the venue needed to fit seven billion people- even if we gave them enough room to dance.
His calculations are as follows:
6 square ft per 7,000,000,000 = 42,000,000,000 square ft (1506.5 square miles) which is equivalent to: The state of Rhode Island (Including the parts covered in water); the emirate of Dubai; and Multan, Pakistan.
If we were to just take a photo standing shoulder to shoulder, we would need the equivalent of Los Angeles, California to take the photo... and for the photographer to say "smile" in all languages, we would stand listening for approximately one hour.
I just rocked your world, I know.
ps: by 2014 we are estimated to hit 8 billion. 9 billion by 2045.

pps: Here is some Fiddy Wisdom...
"I need a blood test this kid don't look like me lol"

Cheerio!!! Pip pip!

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