Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Procrastinating!

Hello in the home!
Since school is prepping to force on us back into the daily drone of textbooks and powerpoint presentations, I felt the need to find a new channel for procrastination. With Cole's unintentional inspiration...

V O I L A !

Here lies, Emily's random blog 2.0, due to my Golden Age of Radio blog biting the dust as I was overwhelmed with embarrassment for having updated a blog no one ever read. But really, who cares? I will update this whenever I want with whatever I want just for me. I am quite t.o'd that I lost all the sweet youtube songs that I had stored on there...

Well anyways, I will leave you/myself with a rather awful joke, and a youtube video that inspired the name of this blog.
Toodles! Pip pip!

What do you do with a Blue Whale?

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